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What is your School Philosophy?

We value:

  • Holistic Education

  • Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

  • Positive Behavioral Guidance

  • Multicultural Education

  • Learn through Play

We are not only offering Japanese Only Environment, but also High Quality Childcare with our philosophies above.  We believe that children learn the best through play and it is also effective to support their Self-Initiative for learning. 

Why do you value "Multicultural Education" if you focus on Japanese language & culture?

We believe that “Multicultural Education” is essential for children. Even though we offer Japanese immersion programs, we teach different cultures and diversity. Our hope is for children to learn the importance of diversity and build healthy identity for themselves while they are growing up in Canadian society.

What is the requirement to join the program? Is this only for Japanese or Japanese speaking families?

Neither Nationality nor Home Language is on our requirements. 

Please see STUDENT ADMISSION for the details of each requirement for our programs.

What is your program fee?

Please see the details of PROGRAM FEE for each program. There will be a non-refundable registration fee ($80.00 for the 1st year, $40.00 for the 2nd year) for the preschool program. 

How strict is your “Japanese Only” policy?   

We take our “Japanese Only” policy seriously. If we hear other language spoken, a teacher always talk to the student. However, we consider age when we talk with children.  Especially, we don’t expect preschoolers to understand this concept at school entry and have time to train children for first few months; however, we expect school age children to follow the policy from the start.


If we find that a child is not able to follow the policy or not coping with the environment after a certain period of time, the child would be advised to leave the program. 

Is there any priority policy for registration? Just wondering if Japanese or Japanese speaking families have a priority...

There is no priority based on Nationality or Home Language. Our registration priority policy is as below.


​Baby Prep

In Order of Arrival.



  • 1st: Current Students (As of January; when our pre-registration starts for current students.)

  • 2nd: Siblings of Current Students

  • 3rd: New Students


​After school

  • 1st: Current Students (As of April; when our pre-registration starts for current students.)

  • 2nd: Preschool Graduates

  • 3rd: New Students


We may hold an open drawing when we have many people  in equal conditions.

When can I register?

Applications are being accepted anytime when there are seats available. 


  • ​Baby Prep: Term Registration (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), and the registration usually starts a month before the program.

  • Preschool: Annual Registration (September to June), and the registration usually starts late February.

  • ​After school: Annual Registration (September to June), and the registration usually starts early April.


Please visit REGISTRATION for the admission schedule.


Please contact us to inquire about availability for each program.

How many children and teachers per class?

We have maximum of 15 students per class for both in preschool and after school programs with 2 to 3 teachers.


Our baby prep program has a teacher per 6 to 7 families in a class, which may vary depending on the venue and the number of participants.

Do children learn Japanese reading/writing?

Our primary goal is to keep children communicating only in Japanese during the program while having fun. 

We don't teach Japanese as an academic goal, but use Japanese characters all the time. Children will learn Japanese reading/writing through Japanese books and our writing activities; however, it is not a Japanese lesson. 

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